
2886. Change Data Type


DataFrame students

| Column Name | Type   | 
| student_id  | int    | 
| name        | object | 
| age         | int    | 
| grade       | float  | 

Write a solution to correct the errors:

The grade column is stored as floats, convert it to integers.

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1: Input: DataFrame students:

| student_id | name | age | grade | 
| 1          | Ava  | 6   | 73.0  | 
| 2          | Kate | 15  | 87.0  | 


| student_id | name | age | grade | 
| 1          | Ava  | 6   | 73    | 
| 2          | Kate | 15  | 87    | 

Explanation: The data types of the column grade is converted to int.


import pandas as pd

def changeDatatype(students: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    students['grade'] = students['grade'].astype(int) 
    return students