
2885. Rename Columns


DataFrame students

| Column Name | Type   | 
| id          | int    | 
| first       | object | 
| last        | object | 
| age         | int    | 

Write a solution to rename the columns as follows:

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1: Input:

| id | first   | last     | age | 
| 1  | Mason   | King     | 6   | 
| 2  | Ava     | Wright   | 7   | 
| 3  | Taylor  | Hall     | 16  | 
| 4  | Georgia | Thompson | 18  | 
| 5  | Thomas  | Moore    | 10  | 


| student_id | first_name | last_name | age_in_years | 
| 1          | Mason      | King      | 6            | 
| 2          | Ava        | Wright    | 7            | 
| 3          | Taylor     | Hall      | 16           | 
| 4          | Georgia    | Thompson  | 18           | 
| 5          | Thomas     | Moore     | 10           | 

Explanation: The column names are changed accordingly.


import pandas as pd

def renameColumns(students: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    students.rename(columns={'id': 'student_id', 'first': 'first_name', 'last': 'last_name', 'age': 'age_in_years'}, inplace=True)
    return students